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about 1 year ago
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about 1 year ago
Can I be a staff?

We are always open to the possibility of hiring anyone as a staff! However, we do have requirements.

Pease ensure you have met the staff requirements:

- Prior staff experience (w/proof)
- 7+ days in discord
- 10+ hours server playtime
- Age 13+
- Active community member

These are just the requirement but we will also judge you based on how you play or interact in the server. If you are the type of person who occasionally break rules or fight with other players in a toxic manner, or a person who constantly begs for ranks, a person who has no regards of the server etiquette then we won't accept you. If we believe you are fit for the rank, regardless of requirements, we can make exception based on personal interaction and observation!

Only apply if you have the passion and dedication to be a staff in ForgotSMP, because otherwise, what is the point of you as a staff if you do not have the motivation to help cultivate our growing community.

Good luck!

about 1 year ago
Host your own server!

Did you ever want to host your own minecraft server like ForgotSMP?

We're gonna share you a secret host that we use, Floofy Hosting... Well not so secret actually. Floofy Hosting is the best hosting service I have personally used. Now you're probably wondering if my personal opinion even matters? Well, I'll leave you for that to decide, but to put into perspective I have been with various hosting companies already. You want to guess? 1... 2... nope, I have been with 4 hosts already excluding Floofy Hosting, but I have stayed with Floofy Hosting for the longest. 

But why Floofyhosting?

In all the hosting companies I've been with, it's only in Floofy Hosting, that actually delivered! They offer various plans from Budget/Basic to Extreme/Premium plans, but this is not only limited to Minecraft hosting, there are also plans for VPS, Discord bots, and more... You see many other host providers offer the budget plan but you actually end up with getting a server that can barely function. With Floofy Hosting, even when you're on the basic plan, you are actually given with a great product for the lowest price in the market. You literally get the best deal, I'm telling you. 

Aside from all that, what else does it offer?

Even with very competitive prices they still offer great services and it is also reflected through their ticket system. You will be met with great patience and hasty replies with any of your inquiries. You have a problem? Just create a ticket, and you will be working with the proper people. Floofy Hosting is continuously trying to improve their services and is very transparent with their progress. The people in Floofy Hosting aren't just some big CEOs that only want you for your money, they want to give you the best experience through their hosting and listens to your concerns. They aren't detached from their community and there are nice community contributors that could help you too!

Have I peaked your interest?

I would be very happy if I did. Ever since I was young, I've always wanted a server of my own, I started playing on 1.7 and the old server I used to play with greatly improved my childhood. Until now, I still yearn for those fun times I used to have on that server. I want to be able to do that for many others too and I want you to be also be able to do that without sacrificing much of your money and time! If you would like to order a service, I would appreciate it a lot if you used my affiliate link.
Thank you for your time!

You can see more reviews here:

Click to get redirected to floofy hosting

about 1 year ago
Social Medias

Follow us on our social media accounts!

Twitter: @ForgedRealmsCo
The Rest: @ForgeRealms

Leave a comment, like a tweet, report a video!

about 1 year ago
Patron Commands Master List:

Silver Patron


You can set 2 homes


Change your display name with something playful and colorful


Open crafting table without the crafting table.


Get a special silver patron tag.


Get a special silver player particles.

/sit /lay /spin

You can sit, lay, or spin emotes in game.

/chatcolor gui

Red, Dark Red, Gray, Dark Gray


Gold Patron


You can set 3 homes.


You can condense raw materials into blocks.


Open a a trash bin to dispose items.


Get a special gold patron tag


Get a special gold player particles.


You can visually change your time to day or night.

/chatcolor gui

Yellow, Gold, Black


Wear the item you're holding.

You inherit all the commands from silver patron.


Diamond Patron


You can set 4 homes


Open an anvil


Open an enderchest (/ec)


Get a special diamond patron tag.


Get a special diamond player particles

/chatcolor gui

Blue, Dark Blue, Dark Aqua, Aqua

You inherit all the commands from silver patron to gold patron.


Disable ads on the bossbar.


Emerald Patron


You can set 5 homes

/chatcolor gui

Light green, Green, Light Purple, Purple


Change your weather


Sort your chests


Sort your inventory

You inherit all the commands from silver patron to diamond patron.


Disable ads on the chat


about 1 year ago
What are Forged Coins?

Forged Coins

Forged Coin is a valuable custom currency exclusive to our server. To put it simply, it is a currency like Robux or Steam wallet. With this addition to the server, it is now much easier to create discounts, reward players, and more control over our items.

Where to acquire?

You can buy them via our store, earn then through crates and events, or becoming a top voter of the month!
You can get more forged coins through our webstore!

How to use?

You can type /forged store in game or talk to an NPC who will open a shop for you!

Server Status
Forged Realms

Online: 0 / 100

§f§lJOIN OUR DISCORD§r §b ᴅɪsᴄᴏʀᴅ.ғᴏʀɢᴇᴅʀᴇᴀʟᴍs.ᴄᴏ §f§lSUPPORT THE SERVER §2 sᴛᴏʀᴇ.ғᴏʀɢᴇᴅʀᴇᴀʟᴍs.ᴄᴏ §f§lGAME SERVERS §f— §esᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ §9JOIN THE ADVENTURE!

Version: 1.18-1.20+ Network


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